Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Loving the work

I really enjoy working at Hillcrest because of being usefull to people that actually need my help. I wish I was able to help out a little bit more but since I haven't been there for that long and despite going out of my way to find work I still can't seem to get work when it matters the most. I try to help out people that need it but I can't seem to do much half the time and have to go get someone else to answer the question. I help out with electronics and appliances but after those are done for the day I have to go hunt down some kind of work on my own. When that comes around I start feeling pretty useless until someone asks for my help. At which point I jump up and get straight to work to have something to do.

Things are going fantastically for the most part and with things finally being set up with Leif I am getting close to getting things on the right track for the beginning of the year because its not that late into the year until the snow hits. I'm off to a fantastic start this years and full speed ahead so I'm ready for the rest of the challenges the rest of the year and I hope that you can all keep up with how things go throughout the year.

 I don't have that much to talk about today other then the Thriftshop but I feel like I have to provide the audience a complete 3 paragraphs today even thought I just want to quit. I feel like I need to provide for those that are reading this even when I'm at a stalemate. It's interesting because of the fact that I even mentioned that I would try for 2 paragraphs every Tuesday but even then I don't think I really meant it because even then I sat down and made sure that I would make a third paragraph. I also apologize for grinding on about seemingly random things at times because just because I say something does not make it literature gold. I might have to rewrite a good chunk of things every once in a while because of the lack of interesting things going on in my blog most of the time but due to the fact that I am not that good at going out and doing things or being Reactive instead of Proactive I don't have many interesting things that happen unless they happen to me when they come to me.

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