Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Not that much of a day off

Alright so today I did not have to go over to Hillcrest to work only for a couple of reasons though. The first reason is that my dad would not be able to bring me while Kristi is out working on her final job and the second reason is that I wasn't able to ride my bike over there either due to the fact that it was raining outside and the parents wouldn't let me because it isn't safe to do so. Either way because of these things I did not have to go to Hillcrest and because of this I stayed home to work on my usual work.

Finally moving onto some new books including Tale of Two Cities which is the next book in the large book of Charles Dickens. I have been looking forward to the point where I would not be stuck on David Copperfield anymore because as I said in my last blog entry that David Copperfield is an extremely hard book to read at all and that can deter a lot of people from ever reading it. Because of the fact that I have started a new book I have been doing a lot better and once I learn a little bit more about whats going on I will try to give a small review when I can.

I feel really bad on my computer most of the time because I don't keep track of time on how long I have been on. The first thing you will have to know is that I have a limited amount of time on the computer each day and that is usually about 3 hours each day which is still pretty generous. The problem is that since I don't keep track of time I just assume that when I am asked about how much time I have used that I have used all of it. A prime example is that yesterday I hopped on my computer at 4:30 PM and played until 7:00 PM which is under 3 hours and when my dad asked how much time I had left I said that I had used all of it and even over the amount that I had been allowed. I went to Tae Kwon Do and when I had some free time I did the math and realized that I hadn't even used all of my time. I really need to start thinking those things through because by doing that again and again I am just punishing myself in the long run because if I keep it up the parents won't believe me when I keep on lying inadvertently.

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