Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Getting ready for the races

As I have mentioned time and time again I can't do much until I get over to Hammer space and this week I will be going and because of this I need a plan. That is exactly why the parents made me write a list of things that I would do while I am over there also so I don't get too side tracked. The main thing I want to do is meet some of the people that go there most of the time and make sure to know how each person could help me and vice versa. I may not be able to help out much around there without some kind of practice but maybe I can be of some help there to someone else.

The main reason why I want to meet the other people is that I sense a major opportunity to make some awesome new friends with the help of Hammerspace. I don't think there is any reason why me and one of the people minimum can be friends because most people their would have some kind of  similarity and they all sound like they might be interested in the exact same kind of stuff. Including making things better and also computers maybe. I may not be as smart as half of the people there but your only as ignorant as you decide to be.

Something really funny that I don't think that I have ever mentioned on my blog before is that I haven't ever once mentioned what I do in my spare time most of the time. The main thing is that I am a huge gamer and I can spend hours on the computer to the point where I believe that I am addicted and have been trying to cut back. What I might do instead includes nice calm walks around the neighborhood, reading or, hanging out with my two closest friends. I know this seems to be pretty random but the more I think about that last paragraph about what other people would be interested in I realize that no one that reads this even knows what I do while I'm not doing school work half the time.

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