Thursday, August 21, 2014

Back to school

It's been ages since I last posted on August 9th meaning its been a good 2 weeks or so. Either way I have to say I haven't had much time up until now in order to be able to post anything. If I did post anything in between it wouldn't have been that good of quality and even now I'm debating on how good it can be. The main reason for this is due to the amount of time I am dedicating to my homework. At the beginning of this week I have managed to spend over 3 hours a night towards homework.

The worst part about all of this is that I seem to have become extremely grumpy towards the people around. I have become somewhat stressed out due to the work and time I have put into the school day. I know for a fact that it will get better with time but that's not something that I want to happen later. I want things to improve sooner rather than later because this stress is really starting to get to me lately. I try so hard to be happy I sometimes forget that just like every other kid my age I just want to go out and do something. What that something is, I have no clue to be honest with you but it has to do with my current lack of goals I think.

With that out of the way it is pretty good to be back as I'm sad to say I lost my newspaper role but gained another interesting class in return. This happens to be debate which has proved very fruitful for me with learning a few more social skills and allowing me to learn more skills in a conversation to inevitably out do my parents in an argument someday! I will eventually defeat them at their own game and hopefully get whatever my choice may be for that one argument but I don't know if I want to write a whole speech on potentially defeating them in a game of debate.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Camp Kick

Right on que Camp Kick has come back around to show us that school is almost here again. Last time I posted on camp kick was last year on August 9th. That post should cover most of the things I did this time as well. I didn't do much else that I didn't do last time so I'll probably just link the post to the camp kick post from last time. In fact you can find that one right here. Sorry if it looks like this is a lazy way of getting out of posting a new blog but there isn't that much else to cover that wasn't posted last time.

On to a new subject that isn't camp I have to say that I am very happy with my new school schedule which has given just about every class that wanted except for one but I'll get to that soon. In the first semester I have French 1, Debate and Tournament Forensics, Algebra 1A, and English Language Arts 2. A pretty good setup personally since after my failures with taking French on my own its about time I finally get that class down. In fact I am determined to get all four French classes which is going to be a pain in the neck. For Second session I have Chemistry 1, French 2, Geometry, and Computer Applications which to sum it up lightly the only things that I am not looking forward to are the math classes half way through my day. Other than that everything is going to be awesome this year.

There is that one class that is missing from my list of things that I am doing. Have you guys noticed yet that I haven't mentioned that Newspaper is not on my schedule. Well I have and it is bugging the hell out of me. I'm going to attend the workshop that is coming up to meet with the teacher and see what is going on with my schedule. I heard that she overbooked her class which will highly limit my ability to work on my English like I was hoping to do with Newspaper. It was just another outlet for what I was planning on doing but I did get English 2 which will tide me over for session 1.