Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Baking Season

Incoming to my favorite season which as everyone close to knows by now is that I absolutely love Winter. One of the main reasons is because of the snow but there is so much more including the wonderful goodies that are made by the family to be given to everyone else. Also due to how cold it is outside your are more prone towards staying inside which means a lot more time to be spent with the family doing whatever. I know that Fall isn't really over yet but things are moving fast and Fall hit like a wall and in about one more month Winter will be very out there here soon with how things are going at the moment. Besides Fall has its own reasons for being almost as good as winter. One reason is that it is a warning that colder days have yet to come in the year. It has its own food that starts becoming appropriate like chili is a fall food most of the time. and then there is the fact that it has many fascinating holidays including the family favorite of Thanksgiving which is the true day for family.

I'm starting to work on putting my project into action and the beginning of it all is to get into contact with Hammerspace which is a public group where you can use their tools in order to work on whatever project that you want. This is absolutely brilliant for people that don't want to spend the money on getting your own tools. Because of the fact that it also only costs $40.00 then I don't really have to worry about this costing too much and if it will be worth it. I look forward to trying out al of it and what exactly they have to offer.

Things are going nicely lately other then all of the stuff with going back to public school. The scariest part about that decision is that I have been considering it for a while and my main concern about it is that my blog will be left behind completely if I go back. I want to know how everyone reading this feels about me going back and if you want me to continue things for when I go back to public school because I might just keep my blog going for during public school for at least one semester and even longer only if everyone else wants it to continue though because there is no point in boring everyone of my viewers with an unnecessary post.

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