Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Earning my place

Today I was working at Hillcrest thrift shop like usually and I'm making sure that I have been appreciated while I'm over there. Usually I'm kind of a minion while I work in there but now I'm working on making sure that people remember me over there as being more useful then lackey. Now I'm controlling the electronic table where a lot of junk is pushed into which is one of the least appreciated jobs downstairs. That's saying something because downstairs in the thrift shop is one of the last places that people go to and the people upstairs don't seem to acknowledge that we even exist half of the time so things between the two aren't exactly captivating. Anyway I am going through the electronics  table and am finding some awesome things including two working RC cars and both of them worked with a little bit of work which is always fun. I also still do some odd jobs around the place as well including cleaning up some furniture when they bring some new loads of donations so I'm keeping busy and making a word for myself.

I'm sorry about not posting yesterday everybody and I saw how many people were looking for something yesterday so I'm sorry. My audience isn't that big but still there is something going on though which is that my little sister Zoe who I have been talking about is now getting herself out of trouble quite quickly. I love it because her problems appeared over night and just as soon as they showed up they disappeared just as fast because in less then a weekend she dug herself out of her predicament. Because of this things have quieted down around my house and I love it.

Today I went to one of my favorite Thai places for the first time. I know that might sound strange but the reason why its my favorite is because of the leftovers themselves. The restaurant is known as the Thai place and honestly I have had so much Pad Thai from over there it is my second favorite pad Thai I have ever had because of just how delicious it is. My first favorite is my dads and thats because its here at my house but if we were going by being made outside of the house the Thai Place would take first place. The food is amazing and served properly on proportionate plates and bowls for more showy items they have showy containers. The place has some nice lighting as well so people with sensitive eyes and normal eyesight can eat there comfortably, The problem that I had with it is that the Thai Place is down in Westport and that means that there is major competition down there which means that it is very hard to find something because of all of the other places to go to. Keep an eye out around Westport in downtown Kansas City because there is so many good places to eat down there that your eyes can be bigger then your plate.

My project is comeing along nicely as well which is leaving my quite happy I'm going to be getting in contact with Hammer space tomorrow and see if I can sign up to get started. Because of this project though I have to say something very important. I will be going back to Public school next semester and I may return to homeschool at a later point but I have to go back for myself and not because the parents are making me. I'm not going back because of friends or because the parents want me to go back because I want to prove to myself and to everyone that I can still do what I need to and that I have improved. I want to prove that I have actually improved in my home school environment and that I am not the Galen that left public school a year ago.

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