Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I hope that I can show you all my essay at a point where it is presentable. I mentioned my essay that I am working on is about Freakonomics. Well I finished my first draft and it is ready for the editing. I wish I could show it to everyone but I feel that I'm going to wait until its final draft and it is much easier to enjoy then the constant imperfections that you might run across. So I look forward to posting the essay after is done with the editing stage and finally suitable for everyone to read.

Other then that bit of work I finished Nothing to Envy. It ends with everyone that the book follows ending up in South Korea and living a new life. Though not everyone had the best of life as some of the people that made had trouble with debts and bad starts. Including one girl who put herself in debt and then decided that she still needed to bring her mom over to South Korea. While this all worked out alright the problem was that she still was deep in debt by the end of the book. Now of course they are still alive and living their lives. The hard part is that we know none of their names

Today is Halloween and I almost feel like it is still the same day that was yesterday or the day before. I wish it was simple enough to say that this wasn't ever actually a holiday but there is still so many people that celebrate the holiday that makes that impossible. But in honor of a holiday I was asked to give a history lesson on the origins of Halloween. So how about we begin.

The holiday Halloween is supposedly started from Samhain a Celtic Holiday where the people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming spirits. Then during the 8th century Pope Gregory III set November 1st as all Saints day to honor all saints and Martyrs. This holiday held tradition carried from Samhain. The day before All Saints Day was known as All Hallows Eve and later known as Halloween which eventually developed into a community based child friendly day. Activities included things like Trick-or-Treating. But was still supposed to celebrate the coming Winter season with gatherings,candy,and costumes

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