Friday, October 19, 2012

changing perspectives

Isn't it all quite interesting how all of our opinions change yet stay the same. I am talking about how my opinion on my future jobs have changed. While originally I wanted to continue in my pursuit about black holes but I have found something much more interesting. I figured out how much I liked Economics more then black holes but they are all just as interesting as they always were. Nothing has truly changed but my interests. Even then they are all still the same in they way that they are both extremely fascinating to me.

First up is the black hole career. While I spent the last few years researching these hulking imploded stars I also felt that there was so much to learn including why they are the way they are, how come they lead to nothing that we can ever reach. In a way they seem to be mocking us from a distance, daring us to approach them and to tame them to learn their true purpose. I couldn't help but want to learn more. Even going as far to read books and debates and theories on them I just couldn't stay away.

Economics on the other hand is a much more subtle and reliable form of work. Economics helps us understand the world around us then to make sense of everything else we know. This includes scams, the state of our economy, and more. Almost to much to count. Even cooler is the fact that this can all be applied to everything. As this is the study of everything we know in the social world. Just like a teachers incentive to cheat was at one point higher then it is now. But even then they still cheat why is that. Is it just easier to go through all of the work to make them look better. I don't think so but they must have some sort of incentive.

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