Sunday, October 7, 2012

end of the week

Time to do one of my special weekend posts. Also because I didn't do it Friday. This weekend was hectic other then today. The only reason why I remembered is because of dad. He reminded me while I was gaming on my computer. To be completely honest with everyone reading this. I don't even know where to start this blog. So I guess that the best place to start is on Friday.

On Friday I headed out for my new assignment of the month. The statistics on a High school football game. The twist in all of this that we had to watch the game in about 30 degree weather. Interesting fact is that this wasn't as relieving as I had hoped. I do not like football games but on the other hand I do love me some cold weather. Football, sadly cancels out the love for cold weather when your siting on bleachers trying to keep your hands warm while writing info your not interested in. The upside was dinner. We ate dinner at a place called Po's. A order at a table Asian restaurant. Really tasty meals in large portions. Got to love it all.

Yesterday consisted of going to work with dad in the morning, eating lunch, going to an art museum, then finally eating my special dinner. The reason why I went to work with dad was because we were planning to have Aixois for lunch not dinner later that night. Sadly, since dad's work was so hard we had to wait until later that night to go. Kristi came to pick me up as we were planning to go watch a movie for my work this week but we all had to eat lunch first. We ate at a place called Cascones. Authentic Italian cuisine. Despite all of the good food the place needs some redecoration. We had to go to the museum as we were far to late for the movie. To be truthful I wasn't a huge fan of the art mainly because I don't really understand why these were made. I know people were trying to make a living but I just don't see much point. Finally dad, Kristi, and I had gone to Aixois with reservations. There I ate an expensive 24.00 steak that was a little under medium. Dad ordered some Salmon with a side of couscous. Kristi had bacon wrapped quail legs that were to die for. To top off the night we all shared a creme brulee.

1 comment:

  1. One of my primary fears in life is being one dimensional and losing the ability to think outside the box or find appreciation for those things that aren't immediately available to my own life experience.
