Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Long Day

The day started out with me waking up and getting started on my work. Pretty average routine like usual. Did my work until about 12:30. From then I proceded with going with dad and Kristi for lunch at buffalo wild wings. Dad got a garlic Parmesan, Kristi got teriyaki, I got Aisan xing. During lunch we discussed proper dining edicate. I believe that since they were referencing back to things I did at Aixois, that it was because I didn't really do to well and it was time to be taught. After heading out we stopped by the gas station to refill Kristi's car. I watched dumbfounded as the price went up to about 46.00. A bus pass for a month is 50.00. So if you refill that tank every week you would pay about 200.00. So by buying a bus pass for one month you would save about 150.00. And be economically friendly to boot.

When we got back I went with dad to a place called Scooter world. The reason why is because dad has a scooter being customized from a 50cc scooter which can only reach around 30mph to a scooter that can reach about 70mph easily. The people that worked there were nice and they treated dad as if he was another employee there. So we got to look in the back of the store and dad also got to test out the scooter. When the scooter started up it sounded like a swarm of  angry bees. When dad drove away we could hear him down the road. He let another person try it out and we could hear him down about 5 blocks. I swear that this is going to be one fun bike.

When I got back from the Scooter world with dad we hopped in a car with Kristi and Zoe and headed out for our first doctors appointment in a long time. So we all went up to the office and sat down while dad and Kristi filled out sheets for me and Zoe. We waited about 30 minutes to be called before we went in for our appointment. After getting through the basic check of weighing and height measurement we were put in a room for another 20 minutes before the doctor arrived. We then went through a set of basic questions that would most likely relate to stress in some way. So we left after getting our ears and noses checked and then I got my heartbeat checked. Not really as bad as I thought it would be.

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