Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Removing the Imposter

I realize quite a bit late that no matter how much people read my blog very few people actually know me. Also there is the opposite situation as almost no one that reads my blog other then family. Today I finally decided that if I was going to continue I might as well remove the veil of mystery and reveal who is Galen Seaton.
The reason for doing this now of all times is because first off at this point in time people are actually paying attention to my blog and the way I know this is because my views haven't dropped even after yesterdays disjointed entry. For the most part what I am saying is that I'm going to tell you about myself while I still have everyones attention.

First things first is the fact that despite popular belief I enjoyed public school immensely.  I had a decent group of friends who I could relate with and I managed to keep my grades high by being able to ace every test that came my way. I came to home school for several issues. First off I was offered home school by my parents after a year of bad organizing and remaining in the background of all the bad situations going on in the house. Secondly over all of the years in public school I seemed to be snapping very slowly until about 7th grade where everything seemed to go downhill for me. What ended up happening to me is that over time I would become increasingly stressed out every year in school even when I didn't try to pay attention to my surroundings.

Enough about the school stuff first off there is my hobbies. Hobbies for me include computer work, gaming, tinkering, and eating good food. The last one you probably could have guessed yourself but anyway there is the first one which is true for several reasons. computer work has been easier for me then any worksheet as first off my writing is terrible in comparison to the keyboard which I am extremely good at using in comparison. Also due to my love for tinkering there is things on the computer which I can mess with to make even better and I don't have to go out and buy a new thing every time. I will still admit to modding items like my nerf collection but either way I don't have very much money available to me 24/7. I hope that this has shown a little bit more into who I am because I was certainly asking myself the same question for the life of this blog.

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