Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Gym Class

Tae Kwon do has been getting pretty rough for me but that is to be expected. The reason for this is because I am in the advanced class which puts me one step closer to Black belt so the pain is worth it. Of course most of the pain is brought on by one of 2 reasons which is either A the teachers decision or B my  own stupidity. Most of the time those two things go hand in hand but at least it shows that I am dedicated to my classes. Even cooler is that testing will be coming up here soon which is going to advance me another rank in belt unless I somehow manage to forget both of my forms on the spot then I will not achieve my belt. Either way there is still next time and Camp kick which by participating instantly increases my belt rank.

While we are on the subject of my Tae Kwon Do classes I feel like now that I am reminded I have been ignoring it as it is considered one of my home school classes. I like to think of it as my gym class as how else am I going to get in any workout anywhere near the school system. I think it is ironic because when I think of the public school system's gym class I see that in reality it wasn't that much of a workout in comparison. Then again Tae Kwon Do consists of smaller classes then the public school systems making it easier for the teachers to spot you if you are doing something that they don't approve of.

I do feel as if I have to put something relevant to today in this post because of how things are now in my school system. This includes today's work in Domestic Sciences which includes helping prep potatoes for tonight's dinner. It may not sound very exciting but for someone like me who doesn't get to cook very often and there is no better critic then other people for my cooking then it feels fantastic to see how good my cooking will be. I myself will not be cooking the potatoes as far as I know but prep is just as important as the actually cooking.

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