Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Keep moving!

Today is going to get very hectic very soon. Today most of the events for everyone is scheduled for today including my belt testing and Zoe's graduation to the next book in awanas and that is not even including what the parents have to go through. They were out and about today working on restocking the pantry which I know that it is extremely time consuming for them and even then they don't get a break until much later so I feel sorry for them at the moment.

Yes it is my little sister's birthday today and I still do not approve. Of course if it was based on someones approval  I think there might be people still the age of 3 years old. Then there is the fact that even if they stayed 3 years old it would not stop them from maturing so it wouldn't accomplish anything. I like my little sister but I really don't like the thought of here being anywhere near the same age as me because of the fact that I had known her ever since she was first brought home and it brings a tear to my eye thinking of how far she has come in those years and much more she can learn in the years to come.

Speaking of my testing today I will be heading out from my house early to go to testing and I believe that everyone should be getting home at about the same time but because of this everything is out of whack. For example we will be eating dinner tonight at about 5:30. Usually we don't eat until about 6:30 to 7:00 which may not sound bad to most people but this kinda messes with me. Then again this is me I am talking about and I can get annoyed simply by the lampshade on a lamp being even slightly crooked. Then there is the testing which if your remember last time I was thrown off my usual routine by my foot falling asleep right before my actual test. Things could always be worse but I know what I can do to fix this so I won't have to worry about my foot as much this time.

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