Thursday, January 31, 2013

Climbing the ladder.

I have been given some recommendations for more views on my blog and since this is exactly what I wanted I decided it might be worth a try. I got a recommendation to do a podcast about home school from a man known as Stephen McLaughlin and it didn't sound like that bad of an idea. I have the other recommendations like hop on forums that would be related to my blog so that when someone looks at this forum they might be able to find my blog. It isn't that bad of an idea at all and I'm thinking at trying both. Another thing that made sense was for me to start commenting on my own blog entries. This was from my dad because people seem to respond to the comments and then check on what is going on that day. All of these ideas will be taken into consideration in the long run.

I was supposed to be going to made to serve today but since Kristi was in no condition what-so-ever I didn't get to go today. Since we have agreed that I need to get out of the house at least once a week the parents are setting up a field work Friday tomorrow.  I can't wait since it has been a while since I got one other then going to dad's job. I have nothing against dad's job as I really enjoy going over there but it makes things really hard for me to write something on a subject that I have written about before.

The opinion paper is going really well as I spent a good hour today working on going over sites and sources on my paper. I also wrote down some questions that I wanted to answer with this essay by the end. It is a start so far as there is much much more that I can do with this paper. Even cooler is that unlike the other paper I have several different sources that I can work with. I will be quoting people in my paper, quoting books, and then stating what I like or do not like about these quotes. All in all I will be making this paper better then the last paper as much as I possibly can.

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