Friday, January 4, 2013

Glimpse of the Future

Kristi  and I are supposed to be going to Barnes and Noble today and we are going to be getting some classics for my home school. One of the books that I wanted was Les Miserable. The other book that I wanted was Beowulf. I believe that these two classics would be a great book to read and it would be pretty cool to turn around and watch the movies after reading the books and any other activities that might help.

I know that I have returned to blogging but I have not posted anything about actual work that I have been doing. This may sound odd if you remember all of the things that I was talking about with the new semester but I have been given the chance for an extended vacation so I don't have to do much work. Work includes free reading 30 pages as well as typing up the blog entries that people read. I am currently just relaxing until Monday which will lead to all of the work that I need to do including working on the Python computer language and the algebra work from dad.

I have currently been working on some projects of my own while I have been relaxing because now I have time of my own to figure these things out. This project includes installing Linux for the upcoming work that will require a compatible operating system that will make things easier to work with when I start working on my Raspberry Pi. As well as Python which I can run Python programs on my Raspberry Pi thus making it two lessons with one machine.

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