Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lackey for a day

Today at Hillcrest Thriftshop I was pulled into being a lackey for a day. The reason why I say this is because I was doing a whole bunch of odd jobs around the place and didn't really know what to do with many of the things that I needed to do but just followed instructions. I am used to this already so it was actually pretty easy. The hardest part of the day was when things started coming to a close where things slowed down to the point of molasses.  I was at that point making sure that I was walking around the store and helping out as many people as I could.

I don't really do much outside of Hillcrest on Tuesdays so I think that I still owe a decent amount to my audience because of this I will be trying to at least type about 2 paragraphs on Tuesdays. If I can think of more to write about I will continue to go even further. The thing that I think that is pretty funny is that I don't really consider my blogs address to be very accurate anymore. the address is dayinadventure.blogspot.com but now my life goes outside of the house a lot more and I may spend a lot of time around my neighborhood but in no way am I cooped up in the house all day. I don't plan on changing it but it is still not what defines my day anymore.

I do have one more thing to write about today and that happens to be the fact that this is my 200th post today and it just so happens to happen on the day that I am not doing my average school day. It is actually pretty ironic but it also shows the evolution of my average school day over these last couple of years. I originally didn't want to post anything on my blog that didn't have to do with specifically home school but now there is so much more to say once I diversified. I am glad to see that my audience has stayed with me for this whole time and I couldn't hope for this much of a success after such a rocky start so thanks everyone for your constant support through the last year.

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