Friday, November 2, 2012


So I have made an agreement with dad and Kristi! I am allowed to do things that are much easier then cleaning the garage for electronic time. For example helping Kristi bring boxes up to her apartment this weekend will earn me one extra hour of electronics. Another example is that if I ride my bike for 30 minutes I get 30 minutes more on the electronics. I can also make an agreement with the parents for extra chores which can each earn me a different amount time depending on the difficulty of the chore. I think this is going to be a great compromise between us as they want me to get some sort of workout while I get more electronic time!

I also finished all of my work this week! The thought is that I have worked my butt off today to finish all of my math work but that was done and now I am finishing up the day with my blog. I won't have anything to worry about this weekend as today is just a day to relax and enjoy myself. Nate is going to be gone this weekend for this weekend to go see his friends so the computer upstairs is open if Zoe isn't on it. So I can play some games with my friend right in my house. I can't wait for my actual weekend to begin!

Things have really been looking up to me this week. The compromise with the parents, all of my work finished against the odds, and Kristi isn't in the hospital again! There really wasn't a chance of Kristi in the hospital this weekend but either way there was the possibility. Either way this week has been great. The best part of it all is the fact that I haven't burned down our house yet!

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