Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Early to rise Early to end

Today I managed to wake up at 9:30 and get straight to work. This is actually quite interesting considering the fact that I have lately been sleeping in towards 10:00 and do not start until about 10:30 after Good Eats with Alton Brown. Either way I have finished all of my work and it is only about 1:15. Of course so the only way to keep up with my schedule is to do some work for tomorrow or to finish work that I haven't gotten done. I only have one assignment that I haven't finished so I guess I'll do that and it should help me wrap up for the day.

My work on the Freakonomics paper has drastically changed how I look at my blog. Now I go back over my blog and see what words can be eliminated and what sentences can be changed to make things much better. I will tell you after home school I will never look at writing the same way ever again. I am actually quite happy with my change in opinion over writing because within the public school district I despised writing class as I never had a decent subject to write about and they never really taught me how to properly edit my paper.

I am still concerned what will happen after Cindy leaves as a lot will change starting with her. Then after Cindy leaves the last thing to happen will be Nate leaving and I quite like Nate as he has been their for all of my life and Summer next year he will leave. I know there is a while to go before he leaves but I want to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves for job core. I know that the Nate I see everyday is a different Nate then the brother I once saw everyday of my life. Now he is focused and dedicated to his work. I fell proud to see Nate's turn around with all of his school career.

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