Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Back to the Grind

While yesterday I was going to write a blog entry the internet was being weird after unplugging everything in the house. We did manage to get everything to a manageable household again. The reason for all of the disorder in our house is because we had an extermination. Sadly things are rough in the house due to the fact that we are on a 2 week incubation period. I cannot help but be annoyed as now all of my routine was screwed up and this is the first normal day we have had in quite a while.

Yesterday me and Kristi had to leave the house so that the exterminators could do their job. So Kristi had it set up so that we could go and eat lunch and see a movie. The lunch was alright but nothing to amazing. It was just a cheeseburger and fries on my side but that wasn't what made the day amazing. I got to see the movie I've been wanting to see for quite a while now. The movie was Wreck it Ralph which despite looking like a kid's movie I found that many people could easily enjoy this movie without any explaining or coaxing to see the movie.

Wreck it Ralph did actually have a deeper meaning then what we see. I believe that this movie actually has at least 2 hidden meanings. One is that all things in life would be easier with one event or item. In life this one item could be money or the event could be saving a person from a burning building. The other meaning is that we judge people due to one problem that they have and they can never seem to be able to escape this problem. There is a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. that goes like this. “It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.” I believe this to mean that we should not tell man with nothing to pick himself up and move on with life. This can pertain to the movie just as easily as the meanings. Because there is Ralph who has no boots but is told to get over his position of being the bad guy.

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