Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pushing forward

Today I met up with Leif again and I went over one of the subjects of math that I missed out on completely. This happens to be square roots and for some reason I never learned them. I think that I never managed to learn them because they were always taught when I was sick or away from school which did not happen often which makes that much more interesting that I never once learned them up to this point. The good news is that I now know that they are the opposite of squaring an number but to think of all of the tests I might have failed because of such a simple process is maddening.

Along with my work on math I have continued on my work towards a proper project. By a proper project I mean one that requires time, research, materials, and most of all a plan. My plan is to take something that already exists and make it even better for the most part because I am not creating a brand new design to launch the small darts hundreds of feet away but instead utilizing one design and making it possible and more available for a smaller dart. I am using a design that was made by someone else but I have to make the conversions of the original plan to make it more accessible for this type of ammo as well as modify it so that it is more efficient and eventually something completely different with several major modifications that I already have in mind for it.

I know that by the sounds of the last paragraph I am simply taking someone elses ideas and using them to make something exactly the same but smaller. Well yes you are correct for the most part and the reason for me doing this is because first of conversion of something so big to something small enough to fit in your hand is hard enough for someone with no experience in this. And that leads into my second point which is that since this is my first project and due to how limited my knowledge is I don't have nearly enough experience to be building the entire idea from scratch by the end of the year and have it built before the next semester.

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