Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cleaning House

Today we are having guests over along with Kristi who is finally back from her job and brought home another dog. Besides that though we have been preparing our house for company while Kristi is making an awesome meal. I have been working my butt off to help Kristi make the house presentable before even getting to start my blog. Doesn't matter now though because now I am working on my blog and I hope to have it done before company comes here so that I can truly enjoy my time.

Other then getting home and helping out around the house I did help out around the Thriftshop again today and while this house was getting cleaned I was making sure that the shop was clean as well. What I mean by this is that I was helping trying to clean up the back room and get stuff out on the floor which is extremely difficult for where I work. The reason for it being so difficult is that for the most part anything remotely related to electronics is instantly thrown into the pile of electronics. Fore example on the table today we found a handkerchief that had the blackberry logo on it. I understand why it was on the table but I don't have to like myself but either way it gives me work to do.

I didn't get to finish my blog before eating dinner but it gave me a good idea for a blog and that was the dinner itself. I enjoy a good dinner and I am under the firm belief that dinner is the most important meal of the day due to the ability to bring together friend and family for one meal that everyone can enjoy. Anyway for dinner it consisted of roasted beef short ribs with risotto, duck fat roasted brussels sprouts with bacon, and five spice glazed carrots. The meal was amazing and what makes it even better is that it was at home with friends. Mind you this if the first time I have met the guest but it doesn't matter very much to me because a friend of the parents is a friend of mine. I wish I could've learned more about our guest but I didn't even manage a name before Zoe started jumping down her throat with a bunch of stuff about herself.

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