Wednesday, November 13, 2013

And Pumpkins!

I have been for a while begging kristi to make her pumpkin spice muffins and she has finally made them. I absolutely love these pumpkin spice goods so much that when last year that she forgot something in a batch I just ate the extremely dense muffins right up and loved every bite. The main thing though is that this is the start of the beloved baking season which is right when things start getting cold outside and everyone starts wanting cookies. I don't actually know what makes late Fall and Winter so good for baking but I honestly don't care very much and always look forward to this time of year due to just some of the awesome stuff that is only brought out around this time of year.

Recently I have started up a couple of new books. One of them is called the Book Thief and it is another book that takes place in Germany during the Nazi regime. The story follows a child who had stolen a small book and is hiding it from the Nazis which is big deal considering that books are outlawed at this point in time. The second book is a nessecity for me going back to high school and this book is called Strategies for Teens. This book is pretty much not supposed to tell you how to live your life but instead help you be who you want to be as a teenager. I certainly have already found it interesting and I look forward to continuing.

Thanks to everyone out there that is giving me a chance by the way. For a while my views have been higher then usual and I'm trying to wrap my home schooling well for the audience. This does not mean that problems are being ommited but Thank yous all around because my page will have over 5000 views before end up going back and this may not seem like much to some of the people out there with the bigger blogs but I have been looking forward to this for a while. The main reason for a lack of expansion is my fault and that is because I don't work hard enough to expand my blog and seem to rely on everyone else to spread the word. This has been working well enough but work can be done to make this all better and who knows I might try to employ a couple here soon in order to introduce some new people to my blog.

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