Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Snows coming

All over Missouri there is a massive snow storm that is supposed to be coming in. I think this is the weathers way of saying sorry for not having snow during the middle of winter. I have no problem with snow at all as it will make things much more fun for a while. What I have been forgetting is that it is still technically winter so today while I was walking chewy I brought along my beloved Baseball cap and nearly froze my ears off. The temperatures down here are below freezing at the moment so I really do think that we will have some good amounts of snow this week and who knows, maybe it will last into next week.

Today I was given a show to watch to type about for my blog. This show is called Frontline and this was based on going more in depth into the Sandy Hook shooting which most people might still remember this as a worse event then the columbine shooting of 1999. The shooter was a man known as Adam Lanza who ended up shooting his mom before going over to his old school and killing 20 children and 6 adults in total. I was told to watch this show and then tell about my opinion of the Frontline review. First of all I think that it got some information out that needed to get out for example Adam Lanza's mom was not a gun toting psycho. In fact his mom was very social and tryed very hard to have her child live as much of a normal life with his Asberger disease. Sadly there was much to many changes in Adam's life for him to keep up as he was very sensitive to change and some think that he couldn't cope with the change and that was the straw that broke the camels back.

Things in the household are finally calming down to the point where I can go on living a normal lifestyle. Normal enough for me that is. Anyway,  My reading is still the same books that I have been reading the last week or 2. I can't really keep track of those kind of things but either way nothing has been too out of the ordinary today so lets hope that things don't get to out of hand this week.

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