Friday, February 22, 2013

A Real Snowday

Today I decided to actually go outside for a while and I got some real fun time in until the little kids came out. One of the kids decided to declare a snowball war on us so we accepted and went off to make our bases. The little kids decided to use someones that none of them had built base who worked hard all night to make the base and we had 30 minutes. The base that was already made had been carved out to make a tunnel so they had a well made igloo for the most part. We had no way to make a decent base to defend ourselves against these other kids so we decided to find a large pile of snow that had already been set up and carve at it and that didn't work at all so we had to go without a base. Anyway during the war me and friend A retreated while Friend B distracted a large group of kids. In the end the battle ends because the base that was made before the fight was being used by the Friend A as a way to defend himself from the large group of kids and the kids decided that this was mean and to freak out over it. My team decided to just head in as a way of avoiding further conflict.

School was canceled again today. In fact school had been canceled yesterday at the end of yesterdays school day. I know I have already talked about that it will be a four day weekend, and who knows maybe if the snow lasts long enough there can be an even longer weekend. I am not saying that I want an even longer weekend because I had a hard enough time adjusting to the 4 day weekend from grandmas and now there is an even bigger chance of a break at the end of the official weekend. I am hoping for a shortish break because I know that the weekend is already going to last to the minimum of Sunday.

To all of the people who have decided to read this dismal excuse of a blog on their normal schedules while still knowing it's vacation for me then thank you. I really am thankful because I do aim quite to have people read my blog but I am not to eager to spread the word. Views haven't improved much at all and to the people that have been with this blog since the beginning then thank you for spending some time out of your day to check out my blog. I need only 33 more views on my blog until we reach 2000 views if that tells you anything. It is an exciting event for me at the minimum and I know that it won't matter to most people but thank you all for your contributions.

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