Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nothing Fancy

Work has gone by pretty well today because I worked on the sources for quotes for an extra hour and 1/2. Because of that I was able to do today's work fairly easy with very little struggle. All of the work took little amounts of work today because what I had to do with the quotes was plug them into my already existing paper and then add a bibliography at the end of the paper to cite my sources. The problems that I was having yesterday have all but vanished.

Python has been going really well lately because of Codecademy. I love the website as it literally tells me exactly what I need to do and gives examples and hints that makes Codecademy extremely easy to work with. What makes it even better is that Python is already one of the easiest programming languages to use. I don't even need to stop there because they have more languages like java, C++ Or even Ruby. What adds the tasty cherry on top is that it is all completely free so if you don't know some programming language what are you doing still reading my blog go and look up Codecademy,

School goes on as usual with nothing extremely interesting going on. Blogs get harder to write every day that I can honestly say were interesting. I try to make subjects grab the readers attention but it gets even harder every day. I will have to say  I do enjoy writing my blog every day but things are getting increasingly difficult the more things I have to write about as nothing is going on in home school all the time. I do intend to keep in home school and continue to write my blog for a long time.

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