Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow Storm: Part 2

You all should know by now that I had gotten the last week off due to a snowstorm that came through. Interesting part is that round 2 is coming with another snowstorm that is supposed to be as bad if not worse. The funny thing is that I will have Tae Kwon Do tonight so far because they haven't sent an email to me yet. For the most part I am expecting to go to Tae Kwon Do but as far as I know I might not make it there another day of the week. I have never missed a Monday or Thursday class unless there is testing or the dojo is closed for that day. I do hope that there is classes today because going to long without going to class makes it that when you do go back the classes will be really hard.

Classes went for the most part normal lately as there is no distractions at the house currently. This week will go on like any other if there isn't any snow but it shouldn't start until people start getting home from school and that's at about 3:00 or 2:00. I don't know what will be happening tomorrow but I do know that if there is not another snow day things will continue as if nothing happened.

I don't know if I mentioned my current job which may be small but it is for the most part my first decent job. I am only walking a dog Monday through Friday but I get 10 dollars at the end of the week. This last week I only got 5 dollars but thats because the owner was at the house and was able to walk the dog themselves. I can earn some more money if it doesn't snow so I don't mind some days off but there are some consequences.

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