Friday, December 20, 2013

Progress Towards the Future

.Finally I have started working on my beloved Nerf gun. I'm getting what parts I do have ready. In fact the piston for the gun is almost complete at this point and could be finished in a few minutes if I was allowed to finish it. The problem is that today was supposed to be the end of this project which should show you how badly this has turned out but as I mentioned yesterday its also not that bad. The reason behind this is that I needed to have this all done by now but because I don't have it done I now have something to do over the course of break to make things a little bit more interesting.

I am also here at Hammer space right now with my brother who is working on his own project. I'll leave that to him to discuss if he wants.. Still it's always nice to be back over here with some amazingly awesome people. One of the people over here finished up a little robot that would hunt down sunlight or an equivalent for the plant that it carries on its back. This is awesome stuff and I got to see this little robot move slowly but surely towards the brightest part of light. If this doesn't convince you yet the owner was discussing today about one of his classes which was like an evil genius class where you do just fun stuff like make what looks like a doomsday device but can't do anything but look pretty. Other things like logos for your lab coat and just miscellaneous things that would fall into this category like proper compensation for minions. I love this place if you couldn't tell and for some darn good reasons. The place is helpful and the atmosphere is perfect but the thing that makes this place so cool is the people. Everyone has something to do that will make you stop and want to know what they are doing. I honestly could not hope for a better location to work on my project.

I bet you all out there can guess what today is. If you don't know this is my last day of home school for the year and probably ever if I can help it. This means that I have to sit down and acknowledge what has happened throughout this year and a half of learning. First off a section about my teachers for the year. Starting off the bat is my main teacher Kristi. She wrote my curriculum and was there with me for the entire time I was home schooling. Next up is my grandma Kathy who has helped me through some of the more emotional times along with some of the rocky starts. I can say that there are many people that helped from friends to family through my time in home school but to list every one of them would be very hard to do off the top of my head,

I've read a lot of books in the last year or so as well. Easily over 10,000 pages at that. Thats more  then most kids can in all of college. But lets look at one of my first books that I read back then. The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole. That book will always have a special place in my heart as the kid in that book reminded me of me. I was actually kind of scared and even refused to admit to how similar we are at some points. I in fact love the book now and looking back I see just how similar we are even now. The point is that I remember those first days and how bad I was at learning in general.

The goal in all of this time though is that I have changed since then. Well lets go over the facts over the years because now I'm really curious. My grammar has improved along with my reading and writing. I'm not nearly as stuck up as I used to be.  I think the best part is though about all of the trials I have gone through is that I am still as much me as I was back then. I have not lost my identity and if I were to meet up with an old friend when going back to public school they would notice me as almost a new Galen hopefully. I feel that over the years I have been pollished and not just changed which is exactly how I had hoped I would be. I didn't need to be torn apart from the bottom up as I had the ability to many of the things that I have now done like get work done and become more friendly towards people. Still working on these things as there is always room to improve but more then anything I have an obligation to return to the hallways of school along with the schedules and the teasing and I guess even the teachers that hate my guts. The reason for all of this though is because I have worked hard to learn to become a better person to make it so that I can appreciate the world in front of me and what I had. I can honestly say there was never a boring day in school and even the teachers that seemed to hate me were always looking out for me. Friends were there to comfort me in times of need and even help me get some work done while I fantasize over a better tomorrow that never needed to come. I was content but wanted more. I will miss home school honest to god but out of an obligation to myself and my future and all those that are waiting for me I'm going back. For my friends like Jack Connor, Sean Higby, Carson Schutter, and me. I have gained techniques and perseverance I could never have had in public school but without the safety net I have in my head I can't progress. This is why I must say goodbye. Not for someone that wants to see me back in public school or someone pushing me to go. This is for me which sounds selfish but I'm the only person that can make me go out that door when the day comes. I have a cozy life with a cozy routine and now I'm ripping the carpet out from underneath my feet. I know what happens from here but its through choice and I will keep you all posted but this is goodbye home schooling and I may never see the ability to wake up at 10:00 in the afternoon or work the entire days to finish my work for the week and all of the other perks I'm going to miss but this is for me and to all of you out there I'm not abandoning you either. I'll work on posting still and this entry will remain untouched from the moment its released. This is for everyone to see that I never ran away but I was preparing for the storm I caused for myself. May the original Galen Seaton rest peacefully where they remember him but let teachers and foe remember the new Galen as a friend, a hard worker, and someone that would always pull through.

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