Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hurtful Trees

Today I went to work over at Hillcrest to see the store in Christmas frenzy. Certainly not the easiest time of year but the icing on the cake was working on the darned Christmas trees for most of the day. I volunteered to work on them without anyone asking me mind you but I still have scratches and punctures from moving and hooking up those trees. The worst part is that large chunks of the pre lit trees just wouldn't light up due to at least one little light needing to be replaced or just other things going wrong like one of the stands collapsed under the weight of the tree that it was designed for. Lucky for us though we had an extra stand available. Either way things were certainly interesting over there trying to keep up with the steady flow of random Christmas everything. If it was slightly Christmas like people would donate it and then come in and try to get something else.

Outside of Christmas things were rather slow today but that doesn't mean anything really because there is still things to do today including working on finding exact locations and purposes of items on my homemade Nerf gun. It should only take a couple hours because I don't need to do all of the parts just the ones that I still need which shouldn't be that bad but because of me not working on it last night I will probably not be able to start working on my gun until sometime next week. Either way I plan on at least starting today in my free time because while the work is going to be tedious it certainly is going to have a good reward at the end.

Finishing up my books for the last of homeschooling which is pretty cool. At this rate I will be done with Charles Dickens in about a week or two at this rate which is really nice considering how long I have been working on it. I also am half way through the book thief but expect me to try and finish that one in my free time in order to finish on time for me and Kristi to go and see the movie before I go back to public school. The main book that I have been enjoying though happens to be the book titled Life Strategies for Teens which is a fairly generic title but it certainly has helped a lot more then I expected it too at all. By going over some of these things I find myself a lot more prepared for some of the things in the future that I will be going through. I find myself striving to break more of my bad habits. The main thing I have noticed though is that I seem to be a little bit more floaty then usual. A good example is almost delivering the rent check over to the house of one of Zoes friends instead of the office. While this is going on though I'm working on getting myself back together because I'm no good if I keep this up.

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