Friday, December 13, 2013

Easy as Snow

Today all of Missouri is getting a possible snow warning right before the weekend. Of course since we live in Missouri its not that simple because it first has to create ice on the ground in the morning. This is followed by a confusing level of rain which later in the day is supposed to turn to snow as the temperature drops. The ice on the ground is gone over here at this point and the rain is definitely coming down if not just lightly but this means that 2 of them are predicted so I'm really hoping that we get the 6 inches of snow that is being broadcasted on the news.

Other then the weather today has been rather uneventful and that is exactly the way I want to be at the moment. As I mentioned yesterday this weekend is going to be pretty hectic no matter what happens due to all of the events going on right now. Birthdays and holidays along with all of the little stuff working towards these events make this season just that much harder to get through. A day like this can easily be welcome right before all of the things that will happen between now and Christmas.

Every year I end up wishing for some snow but half the time I don't get any. This happens to come with the territory as I have mentioned already about Missouri. Since the weather is so unpredictable here snow can be predicted but that doesn't mean that there will be any because at the last second the temprature could rise or the warm front hits the cold front in a different spot. Even worse then both of these though is when snow falls but you can't do anything with the snow. I know that people out there know what I'm talking about. The really powdery stuff that doesn't stop anyone from doing whatever they were planning on doing. I want the snow that is so thick that you can hide it by laying down. I can only hope at this point but so far I'm not seeing any signs of snow yet. In fact the forecast has pushed the time of it snowing all the way back to 11:00 tonight so we'll see what happens.

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