Thursday, May 9, 2013

Back on Duty

Welcome back everyone to another blog entry. Sadly there isn't much going on of late that can be fleshed out as well as be talked about. For example I could go into a paragraph about not being able to find a cord to charge the nook and then finally went and asked Kristi to borrow the charger. I could write an entire paragraph about it and even make it look about as substantial as any other paragraph I type up but then again there is content over anything else in writing. I don't think it would be fun for anybody to listen to me looking for a simple cord throughout a house unless I started turning it into a fiction story where I go down into the sewers and wrestle alligators for the cord or something.

I started reading a book this week which I finished already and this one is called Asperger love and while it has 60 pages about 1/3 of the entire book is acknowledgements and stuff about the author. That doesn't mean that it isn't a good book to read as it certainly helped me understand people with Asperger syndrome a lot better but it was a very trivial read in comparison to stuff like Les miserable or Fountainhead and certainly very unexpected to me. Either way this opens up new things for me to read including the new book by Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty.

That time is coming up very soon where the year ends and honestly I don't know whether I should be relieved or scared. Relieved because I will be getting one of the longest breaks of the year or scared because of multiple things. Some of the things that bother me is stuff along the lines of when I am on break I can forget important things like walking chewy for my pay check. Also I have been working on the idea of posting something once a week on my blog during the Summer so that people don't completely forget about blog so there are multiple things for me to do over the Summer that might make things harder for me.

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