Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sweet, Delicious Pi

Sorry first off about the accidental post earlier but that was completely unintended. Secondly I have started today on the book known as Les Miserable. Most people here know about the French revolution but of course I am not very good at history outside of America so this was certainly an interesting book for me. The beginning of the book follows A bishop who seems to care more about those in poverty then his own title of power. That is of course just the beginining and not the only person in the French revolution. The reading for today was wrapped with a video from an old friend of mine. That happens to be Khan Academy who has helped me through many a hard problem.

Next up is the subject of the Raspberry pi and sadly I still have no exact idea of what to do with it. We already have a server in the house but the thing is that this small computer will be mine and just mine. In the long run I want this to be something I can cherish and use a long time from now as there is no better gift or trinket than one that you will continue to use. I have gone over some of the options for it but once again there are things that I can do like make an LED cube or make my own personal music server where someone could connect to it and then have access to whatever music is playing.

Things are doing great in home school but there is one itty bitty problem and that is the fact that it is currently snowing outside and sticking. I don't need this kind of weather at all as I just got back into the groove of school and the last thing that I need is more breaks. I have to do any make up snow day that anyone else has to do and that means at the moment I have about 3 extra weeks of school. I don't need to go back and do this that breaks into summer vacation which could be spent hanging out with my friends and going to the community pool. In other words I would love it if this snow just stopped and let us move on.

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