Monday, March 18, 2013

returning to normal

Welcome back everyone to my blog and for anyone that decided to check up on things over spring break then I am sorry for not posting anything. Anyone that stills remember my small blog and is still willing to read then more power to you. I am so glad to be back and typing on my blog again for your enjoyment. I know I enjoy this and that I am glad to have everyone back to enjoy this entry with me.

Lets start out with the fact that this is going to be the first normal week in a long time. Seriously I have not had a normal week since half way through February. In reality most people would really enjoy that kind of break but I like a good routine and now it is utter relief for me as I don't have to worry about things screwing up anymore and I can peacefully do my work and hang out with my friends with out another break for the rest of the school year.

Most of you might know that the end of Spring break signifies the beginning of 4th quarter and that means that tests are all over the school. This also means that my time on the blog could be coming to an end for a while. I know that some people may look forward to my blog but I don't know how to keep people entertained over Summer while I have 3 months off. I could try but that depends on how summer goes. In fact maybe I could write a blog entry once a week so that people don't forget about me. I don't know but maybe I can find a way to make it work.

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