Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stepping up in school

The time has come to work on the work I have. Within these last few hectic quarters and situations school became a bit to easy for me so last post helped influence for some more work so I am now working out of my biology book and social studies book. Next up I'm going to be working on my raspberry pi which for anyone who forgot is my miniature computer that has several different uses. We also discussed getting back into free skool so everything is doing great and things are going to get back into a decent order.

As I mentioned I have some new curriculum and one of the more interesting ones is that social studies and the process it takes to pass a bill. The amount of places that a bill goes through is just pure insanity and the fact that 1 out of 10 bills get passed is also a scary thought. The precautions are a good but bad thing at the same time as some people may not approve of a public bill that might lower taxes or something like that and because of that they will do anything to shut it down in all of the places that they can. The hardest part is thinking about how many bills were shut down and if any of them could've improved anything about the modern time.

Today I finished the Anne Frank Diary and the ending was extremely sad. The last entry of the diary is filled with hope From Anne saying that she hoped that the war would end the year of 1944. Sadly you find that the entry is the final one and you learn that the only survivor of the secret annex or their home is the father of Anne. Apparently Anne and her sister Margot were killed while being prisoners of the Nazis. The whole ending is just sad to read as you follow the story of the family and all of the other people who lived there.

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