Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tons to Read

This entire week so far has all been about getting through my reading for the week and it is hard. For example today and the last few days I had to work through lunch fast to get in all of my reading. Even then I didn't get done with all of my reading until about 2:40 in the evening. Even with trying to get through lunch as fast as possible I ended up falling behind for the day and working up to about 3:00 but even then I am not done as now apart of my "Homework" I have to go back and review french even when the school day is done.

There is going to be very little amounts of school work to be done tomorrow as we are going to go run some errands. I know this sounds like it is a day to slack off but I believe that there is going to be quite a bit of work that is going to be required of me during these outings so I don't believe that there is going to be a break yet. Either way work or not it is better then sitting down in the chair upstairs all day and reading the entire day. By the way I have nothing against reading I just don't like sitting down that long.

I am feeling scared about continuing my French work when it is time to move on to lesson 3. The reason why is because since I fell behind I started to slip even farther the farther I got in and to this point I barely understand anything on lesson 2. I don't blame dad for making me review French but I really don't like review at all as I have never really felt that review ever truly helped me out before except for before a test but I know all of that is wrong.

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