Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today I thought it would be an alright idea to talk about in some more detail on yesterday. For example I am going into more depth about what I think about SOPA and PIPA and how last night ended with the Christmas special. For this paragraph I am going to tell you about my strange day. What made this day so strange is I woke up at 8:00 today and I usually wake up at 10:00. I was baffled but I managed to get in an extra hour of electronics time. Then I there is the fact that I was going through work so fast that I am already done with chores and I am very close to finishing my school work for the day and for the week! The reason for this is because I have worked hard this entire week and tomorrow was supposed to be a make up day.

The SOPA and PIPA bills really made me want to slap someone. The way the bill was worded is so the government could shut any website down and if they were wrong about there being some way of supporting a illegal site they could simply say it was an assumption and couldn't get sued. This could process of shutting down websites would lead to a internet where no one person could be safe. YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, and even Google could be shut down in a heartbeat for doing nothing bad at all.

Finally there was last nights Duck Dynasty Christmas Special that we got to stay up for. We all got together with some snacks and nommed away as we laughed at the mistakes of one of the employees. What happened is that the owners wife volunteered him to play Santa at a church and when the original employee they had planned for backed out the one person that wanted to go was a lazy worker and brought "toys"  that he gathered from around the office. When I say toys I mean a tape gun, coffee cups, and a dustpan are just a few of the things he brought.

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