Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Loving the work

I was always tolk that it was important for a person to love their work. Well I have to agree with that the more I get these forms of curriculum I like. The first few were Freakonomics, the diary of Adrian Mole, and Anthem. Now I am enjoying The Trouble With Boys quite immensely. For example the recent chapter I read was about how the form of boys writing is really excepted in school. I know this pretty well because it talks about how the other boys like writing with sarcasm, humor, and purely for the other boys in the class to enjoy. I love this book because most of the things that they talk about is usually quit true and noticeable within the average public school. Of course most of the kids ignore this stuff going on around them taking it for granted.

Today's work is getting really easy with no math or french to take up all of my time. Though the hard part is that Kristi knows this and is willing to use the extra time. Today I had a Khan Academy video that is 25 minutes long. That would be five minutes less my average french lesson. Then before that I had a 12 minute Khan Academy lesson on SOPA and PIPA. I do enjoy Khan Academy and his use of the tablet to spell out and show people things while he explains them. I also love the ability to ask a question on the comments and get about 20 different answers from different people.

The family has got one of the first TV shows that we watch as a family since the Big Bang Theory which we have not yet abandoned. This new show is Duck Dynasty and it is almost just as funny. Tonight is the Christmas special and Zoe is being allowed to stay up another 30 minutes to watch it with us! The show is about a family of rednecks and their business of making duck calls. Of course it wouldn't be reality TV if something didn't happen and there is plenty of humor to go around. I can't wait for tonight as we get a nice meal and the Duck Dynasty Christmas special!

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