Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Last foot of the year

There is only 12 more days until the end of the year. Within these last 12 days there will be one of the most sought after holidays out there, Christmas. I know that this going to be one of my normal Christmases but there is so much more then most. First of all this is going to be one of the last Christmases that Nate will be living with us to celebrate. And then Kristi will be with us to celebrate as our step mom more then our dads girlfriend. I know that this is going to be the same holiday that we celebrate every year but things are changing already and this might be one of the last Christmases that we can look at the same way.

There is the fact that this week is extremely easy as it really is just finish up any work that wasn't done and finish it now. In other words this entire week is just finishing up any books that are not complete yet. Other then the books there isn't very much else that I could do that would be possible without Kristi here with me at the house. In fact I enjoy having someone else here with me at the house instead of being home alone. Even my little sister Zoe makes me feel happy just because someone else is here.

I am looking forward to the end of the year as it is going to lead to another set of curriculum. Including learning the programming language known as Python which is really fun on Linux. Another fun little toy I got for my birthday which will also be going into my curriculum is a tiny computer known as the Raspberry Pi. This little toy will give me access to a load of fun little ideas and other computers that can be made that will be handy in the long run.

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