Wednesday, August 15, 2012

first day

Day 1

First day of my home schooling and doing good. My home school career started off with a surprise breakfast at Corner Cafe which made me ready for anything they could throw at me including my already organized curriculum, binder, flashcard container for every subject, and the lack of a proper work area though the one i had did pretty well as well. now all of this is good and all but the curriculum is the most important subject of school and that's what I'm going to share with you mostly

Well i started my actual school day with some reading starting out with "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole" which was humorous and fun while still helping me learn to read more fluently due to the English dialect and any other interesting words . with all of this i also have to fill out some essay questions. Though i wasn't required to do so yet i wrote down things while i was reading that chapter currently. i then inched into the popular book the hunger games which is an alright book and hoping it can help me with any extra reading talents that i didn't pick up on during the public school years.

well i then inched my way into my somewhat new troika book which i only say some what because Kristi (my main teacher) had gone through all of my books before i did which is a relief that someones doing it cause i certainly cant and it lets me know its not them just throwing out random work out of nowhere. well this led into pretty basic curriculum i still hadn't gotten down yet like nouns, pronouns and other things which though saddening is true. well after this i decided to go downstairs and start doing all my computer curriculum. this includes my math (for now),french, and my blog so that anyone can follow along and give me feed back as far as what i have done this year. well math didn't start so well but we finally figured it out. all it was is that  i had gotten about four pages labeled all under one day. in total it was 108 problems that they were wanting me to do in one day. well after working that out i did one page and went on to pimsleur or my French course which was basic like do you understand english and so on and so forth.

and so i wrap up my first day with an open mind to new ideas.

P.S. don't forget to comment


  1. Glad to hear your day went well. I hope to see many more like this one.

  2. I really appreciate and enjoy this window into your opinions and perspective -
