Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 3

The end of the day has come and its time to write my blog. This day had a lot more work then the other 2 days. Including 108 problems, all of them were converting fractions and decimals. I then worked on some flashcards from my troika book.This took a little bit as i had to do my exercises as well which was sorting through sentences and finding adjectives and adverbs.

I also for my English work i had to take sentences from the Hunger Games and find adjectives and adverbs like my exercise earlier for English. I also continued on both of my books. "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole" seems to get better and better. Hunger games on the other hand doesn't seem to get better only because I've read it before. I mean if you can read a book a second time, more power to you but i really can't do it without getting bored sometimes.

All though this day sounds a bit worse then the rest the weekends here and it feels relaxing. Even if I do have a lot time on my hands it feels good to have free time that i can fill in with some actual entertainment. When i was in public school i grabbed one of the three different books i always kept on me. Now that I'm at home it feels different. Almost as if i don't really want to read at my own house. Which is pretty accurate but its pretty much restricting me from doing much with all of this free time but some more work around the house. Lately I have not a had mess to really bother me during my time to do chores unlike usual.

Have a good day and remember to post!


  1. wow your blog appears to be evolving and improving day to day!

  2. Loving the no holds barred feedback on your homeschooling. Gives an idea of what to better focus on.
