Wednesday, August 21, 2013

PIcking up speed

Alright so today I have finished my work substantially faster then I did Monday. This is a huge relief off of my back because I was afraid that I was going to be working until 4:00 or 6:00 on a daily basis. I'm sorry that I didn't really post much last night it was just such a long day and I just wanted to relax for a little bit for the time I had left in the night. Anyway todays work was pretty simple and now I'm not freaking out as much as I was earlier.

Today's work has been pretty simple including two writing assignments which I don't think I will be posting on the blog today, math, and continuing to read my compilation of Charles Dickens. Other then that my day went fairly well. also speaking of those writing assignments apart of my new curriculum for the year I am required to try and keep up with current events so that I can know what's going on in home school.  One of those writing assignments was on a Frontline report about it being unsafe to live within assisted living. I ended up enjoying the episode immensely while also realizing how far behind I was on current events. I hope to change some of that in the near future.

It is good to see that some things just don't change over the Summer and that is the ability to post a blog that is mediocre. Not to good nor to bad but still worth reading to keep up to date. I love my little blog and I still need to get back onto posting these on time and remembering to work on them after the summer. I know how bad I got about posting these but now I'm doing better then during the summer. Either way it all needs work but in reality there is always work to be done somewhere and that's what makes things so much fun

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