Saturday, April 5, 2014

Surprise Philosophy Bombardment!

I bet you weren't expecting me to be posting this weekend but I have had such good material I didn't want to pass it up and then cheat everyone out of a good blog entry. This blog entry has a little bit of opinions of my own that you may not agree with. That's usually not a problem but I will not be offended at any remark or stuff along that line that you may leave as a comment. This includes if you are innocent of my claims or thoughts or maybe that you think I'm saying completely irrational things. This is all fine. In fact I would be offended if no one said anything. I hope the comment system will be working properly when I post just in case though you can reshare my blog on Google plus or post on my wall on Facebook if you want to get through to me.

Starting off is a little something that I had heard in school about a certain plane crashing into the ocean. I don't know where the story is from so I can't give a link but to put to but it bluntly everyone is proclaimed dead. The main problem in this is that when this was announced the people who were in charge of giving the condolences to the different families decided to send out TEXT MESSAGES! This lead to the question by my classmate is the world becoming too self detached from each other and then this got me thinking. First off it was kind of them to send the families of the deceased a message but there is definitely a lack of closure for these people. Still how detached from thew rest of society have we become with technology. I know that I'm not that bad since I throw a fit when I have to meet someone online for the first time but to be honest with everyone we have become amazingly detached from each other down to the point where you can go to work and never know someone's name or go to school and not know half your classmates. This I can vouch for and it is very sad to me but true. This isn't all technology that has caused this either since it keeps people together as well. Without stuff like the telephone we wouldn't be able to easily keep track of relatives or what is going on with them. On that note I'll  leave you to think about if this is true or not that technology is either distancing us or is it keeping us connected or maybe bringing us so close together that we simply don't care as much about everyone else. Kinda like eating so much chocolate that you never want to eat another bite your entire life.

Time for another question for all of you since I really can't resist. With my good friend Alex I end up thinking up several questions to last me entire weeks that send my mind reeling. This week was just too good for me to drop abruptly and walk away. At what point does something become stupid? We know the line is there and we pass it every day let alone bandy the word about as a casual part of life but where does it really lye? How long does it take to get to this line where something or anything becomes stupid? decisions can become stupid through the act of making a decisions intentionally against all of your facts maybe hoping for a different outcome or something else even but what about everything else. How about the stupid carpet or the stupid clock or maybe even the stupid wall. At what point does something become stupid? You may point out that there is obviously some kind of line where something crosses over to being stupid and you are correct but how far away is that line? it could be a thin line a few steps away or a thick line that's a several hundred miles off in the distance. This question that I have come up with has had me doubled over laughing due to the absurdity of this question. I feel stupid half the time and the other half the time I'm trying to keep my head full of hot air out of the clouds. To make it even worse this word is so simple. I mean the average person uses the words several times a week. How does such a simple word in our vocabulary escape the scrutiny of the eye for so long? This I will not understand at all.

1 comment:

  1. testing. This is from Galen to see if this will work and if I can see these posts.
