Tuesday, January 21, 2014

So close I can smell it!

I did not manage to finish my gun this last time but I got pretty darn close. The gun is on the path to being finished and sealed up but I screwed up one part that is extremely crucial to the overall design. Until I get a replacement part the whole gun can't be finished but it isn't entirely bad. The fumes of the cannon design and the stuff used to stick it all together was downright evil. I couldn't stand the smell in general as it was almost toxic. That is just my opinion on it because I managed to stay around the smell for a while it was just pretty rank.

How about school stuff at the moment and those happen to be tests which isn't that bad. Only the first tests of the year which is the World history test, Physical Science test, and then finally the Language arts test which isn't that hard due to the fact that it is only going to be going over nouns. Seriously I think that this won't be that hard and this makes me pretty happy. I know that these may sound like a lot but unlike the tests from Middle school My classes have been divided in half since then so there is 4 less classes that I have to study for at all. Even then I only have to really study for two because Nouns are easy and even the worksheets that I did for class were easy. I just have to remember to double check my work and then I shouldn't miss that much at all.

Other then all of that though I think that this is all going to be fairly standard week. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening other then another cold front moving in with a possible chance of more snow. Speaking of which have I explained that I am mad about this frantic weather. The reason for this is because that over here in Missouri we just got spring weather in the middle of Winter before Winter was even finished. I love winter and to think that it ended early is just sad and then Spring comes along taunting everybody else and all to end with even more Frigid weather. I love that Winter came back for me but still waking up in the morning to a rather rude awakening of cold bitter winds while waiting for the bus was not exactly pleasant

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