Thursday, January 16, 2014

Long time No See!

Welcome back everyone that is still following me after my rather abrupt disappearance. Honestly I had no real good reasons to do this at all but I can say that I have accomplished quite a bit. Starting off lets get right into the thick of things and walk headfirst into public school. I have to say I am enjoying so much more then I used to. The main reason for this is because I have become an all around nicer person and because of this people like me better, I'm getting my homework done, and the classes are more tolerable when I'm not so annoyed at everyone around me. In other words public school turned out better then I had expected and then some.

Lets go onto one of the things that I kept on telling myself I needed to blog about for a while. This happens to be that the Cannon that I have desperately worked on is not done but almost there. I just need to do the final touches, probably this weekend and then POOF! Its finished. I have loved it from the moment I have set my eyes on it and to be honest I don't even know if it is going to work at all. For all I know it could end up flying to pieces. Of course this isn't going to stop me from making this fit together and start working. I love my cannon as if it were my baby already and it can't shoot anything yet.

Yep things have been doing pretty good over here and they might just get even better. I'm aiming for the stars and trying out for one of the hardest clubs to join in school. The Student Council. Yep this thing is a legend that allows you to have input about what happens in the entire school and carries its own weight with the title. This little position allows some of the more exclusive voices be heard through you. I wish to represent the Nerds and all of the others who go by other names but just the same. I'm Galen Seaton and I approve this message!

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