Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Welcome back everyone to another fantastic blog entry!  Lately I have decided to make a deal with my parents which isn't exactly what I would call nice.  The deal that we have made limits my recreational time on the computer and how this deal came about is actually kind of funny.  More than anything it comes with the simple fact that I'm addicted to gaming by all accounts.  Spending 8+ hours a day if I can help it.  By limiting my time for the day down too 2 hours a day is far more moderate and allows me to focus on other things. There is also the fact that I kinda miss the days where I was a kid and played with my friends without a care about if I got online for the day.  Back in the days where the computer was a magical machine that I had no idea how to use and where the PlayStation 1 was something I caught in slight glimpses.   by going back to limiting myself in such a way It can allow me to get back into things such as reading. I bet we all remember that strange time period where people actually wrote words for fun!  I could also use this as an opportunity to possibly hunt for a job but I don't know how well this is going to work as, like always, I don't actually have much time to spare during my week due to the amount of homework. Still it won't hurt to go looking now before the next semester hits.

Of late in school I'm dealing with a lot of remembering things.  For example, the remembering of all of the different French phrases and words which is going fairly well, but then I also have to work on trying to remember on my oratory speech for Debate.  The main problem with both of these things is that my memory has never been very good.  I've gotten better over the years and have even managed to not brush my teeth foot lotion or load the washing machine with some of the kitchen trash.  Besides that though, trying to remember speeches or new words and enunciating them properly is probably one of the hardest things that I have had to do in a long time.

Coming up in the next two weeks are the finals for all of my classes.  The worst 2 weeks of each semester hands down.  A 40 minute test most of the time turns into a rescheduling of the class schedules for everyone and a lack of new curriculum.  Rarely does anyone learn anything during this week unless the class doesn't have a final.  It's infuriating more than anything.  I can't stand having my schedule moved around to the point where I'm sitting in one of my classes for 2 hours while my other classes I get 1 hour.  Usually all of my classes are about 1 hour and 30 minutes but when you throw off the balance like this within classes, you end up in some really annoying classes for way too long next to some people that will ruin a somewhat good day.  I can guarantee you that the next couple weeks are going to be the most hectic weeks of the year.  Ranging from birthdays, to lack of my computer for time passing, too finals will leave this an interesting end to the year.

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