Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Piston Away

I am just so close that I can taste it at this point. Yep the Nerf gun is almost done and despite not knowing if it will even work I'm still ecstatic to see it mounted on my wall some time. It is absolutely awesome and I am only one part away from it being finished and sealed up completely. Once thats done I can move onto a new project which should be pretty fun. I think that I might try a cheaper project this time since it probably won't be funded by the parents after this little epidemic. Because of this I think I have an idea on what to work on but still not sure.

I do know that I did not make it into newspaper this year. I can confirm though that I will most likely be trying again for next year when they start asking for new people. This time I will take the classes. I also will be going over my submission and see what I did wrong when submitting the sign up sheet. This way I have better chances. Who knows though maybe they just don't like how I look at writing as being another challenge and a skill to keep sharpened. I know that is how I feel and without it things don't feel the same. The thought of cursive writing in schools alone was depressing for me and many of my friends in school today. Though seemingly unrelated this is huge as this shows more then just a form of writing going away but people are deciding to stop teaching what came with this new form of writing. For example did you know that the word "so" should not start a sentence? I would love to tell that to modern authors as they don't seem to notice this as a rule at all. I didn't for the longest time either but that is a rule to writing and many old rules along with the old writing style is being scrapped. Call me old fashioned but its always good to be able to live and learn from mistakes in the past. You have to start somewhere after all.

For all of you people following Kristi on Facebook at all you might know that she is once again going through some surgery. I would like to say that this is absolutely devastating and while sad to read her post this almost all seems normal at this point. I guess this comes with having a step mom with crones disease. In fact this goes for living with anyone that has a disease. I don't know if I will be sitting with her for dinner or not or maybe it will just be tomorrow until I see her again. Who knows because then I'll be out asking you. Either way this is another hope to see you soon Kristi. We all just got you back recently now I want you back in this household already. Call me selfish but she's the glue that keeps this family together. Without her Zoe becomes disorganized and rebellious, I would lose track of my head if it weren't directly apart of the rest of my body and even then no promises, finally though is the most important and that is Kristi seems to make dad happier then he has ever been in the longest time. Without Kristi around dad seems to still be himself but a little bit more retreated. I know that both Kristi and dad will be apart of those who read this and I say that I see for once a solid family. With this family sticking to the glue that is Kristi.

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