Friday, September 12, 2014

Friends Forgotten pt. 2

Welcome back to part 2 of Friends Forgotten. This is my list of friends whom I have made throughout my almost 16 years of living. What does this accomplish? What this is supposed to do is give a great example of how friends have impacted our lives throughout time. I'll keep this short since I want to expand on this idea at the end so let's hop into this.

From part 1 of this entry I mentioned that there is 2 Jack's throughout my life who I attribute myself too. Well it's time for Jack C and there is only one thing I can call him. That would be determined. Without a doubt Jack C would fight for whatever he wanted. He was extremely loyal to all of his friends if not a little crazy at times. It was Jack who helped me remain as a kid keep my imagination moving at 50 Miles Per Hour and test the very levels of my patience at times. Much Like Carson I see him on a day to day basis but it's very rare if we ever stop to chat.

Reaching the end of my main examples we reach Daniel. Daniel was a very interesting friend for me as without him I probably wouldn't have become less shy and break down some of the boundaries that I had set down for myself. Daniel was a fantastic friend until one day we began to quarrel. We began to fight back and forth between each other until it became just too much. He was the first friend that I lost simply due to incompatibility. It stunned me for ages but it wasn't until much later that I realized just how much he had done for me. Without him I wouldn't have my current groups of friends nor would I have dealt with such an experience at a decent age. I have always hated conflict but Daniel helped me get over that over time. He doesn't know this all of course but then again, things are fine as they are.

Next up are 2 of said friends that I met through Daniel who I constantly talk too. Starting with one of the more recent ones there is Kale. Kale reminds me of myself when I was younger. He has a much more relaxed air around him as well as a little bit more "street smarts". To be frank he is just an all around awesome guy who reintroduced me to the world I used to see. Kale for the most part opened back open my eyes at seeing something familiar. Sometimes you forget that people have it worse than you. Don't mistake that for pity. He has just seen far more than I have in my life

Finally for the moment is someone I have mentioned many times on my blog. His name is Alex. Alex is my current best friend as their can only be one at a time. He is infuriating, big, and irrevocably smart. I Kind of think of him as my 2nd brother as our relationship has gone that far. We throw ideas of morals, basic concepts, and beliefs off of each other. We are almost like Philosophers in arms against the basic facts that we take for granted. With him I test the limits of my knowledge as well as always having someone to go to when I'm in some kind of annoyance. We have known each other for almost my entire time here in my little home.

There are a ton of people I have not gotten too and I don't know if I want to post another 2 or more blog entries of this. It is a fun subject but it would get boring for everyone else pretty quickly. In brief then some of these people include Trevor, Jason, Kendra, Kiele, Chris C, Kandace, Madeleine, Amber, etc etc etc.  Those are only the ones I could think of off the top of my head too. Give me some time and I could probably make that list bigger. The point here is that friends will come to you with new ideas that challenge your own. This brings out the best and worst of who you are. This is due to the conflicting ideas and adaption that you have to go through for those you hold dear. I could list the last names of almost all of the people on this list but for their sake I won't be doing any of that. Internet smarts help for their sake. Sit and think on who those people are for you. The ideas they invoke on you stick. Like a wet sock hitting a wall, you just don't want to touch it. You will leave those ideas where they are and continue to learn the many lessons they may have taught you. Who has influenced your life the most. Pay your homage to them even if they are being honored in your memories.

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