Monday, July 21, 2014

Camp Week: Part 3

Alright everyone I have been given the task of wrapping up the rest of this today. No easy feat so before I begin a warning for everyone that I may begin to ramble or become unfocused during this entry as I go over the last 3 days of the camp. Now that we have that out of the way lets begin shall we?

Lucky for me there is only a little bit really worth mentioning on Wednesday. Mind you a little in comparison to other days. Lets start out with the Great Object Hunt! That's what I'm calling it at least. You remember how there was a point system while we were at camp? Well there were 4 random objects hidden around the camp with varying point values. There was a Football helmet, a bowling pin, a toy dinosaur, and a mascot for one of the local sport teams. People had claimed everything except that solitary bowling pin. This seemed baffling to me why the only bright white object which isn't that easy to hide was the only object never found. After all, bowling pins aren't exactly small and they happen to be bright white most of the time as well. Too put it bluntly I never found it either and this left me hugely dissapointed. I even went to the farthest corners of the campgrounds finding buildings that people didn't even know exist.

Next up was a small game similar to grab the bacon. A game where you have a square formation of people all around the football with each person having a number. When your number is called you run out and attempt to bring the football to your side. This game instead had 8 inner tubes like used to raft on water sitting in the middle in a tower. Our team decimated during this little exercise as we had 2 very heavyset instructors who were allowed to participate and ended up dragging anyone that tried to get in their way. It was amazing to watch but the fun soon ended even though we won there was obviously a casualty. One of the girls that were participating ended up getting trampled when someone was trying to bring back one of the inner tubes. I still don't know who did it personally.

After the injury all of the teams ended up retreating to the other side of the field and formed a humongous prayer circle. I honestly felt stupid sitting around doing nothing. That's what I felt at least. This massive display of faith and the only thing I could think was this feels ridiculous worrying about someone that not only do I not know but also worrying about something that is completely out of my control.  I was probably one of the only ones thinking this though as it was an amazing sight to behold. Something I will not forget for a very long time as it blazes in my head remembering it now.

Come Thursday most of the previous night is forgotten and people move on with their daily routine. On this day our prankster team member starts his plight on the few points that we had gained throughout the week. Starting out in the morning we all find a frog in grass as we wait in line for the breakfast doors to open up. This one mischief maker then decides to pick up the frog and hold onto it until later and breakfast is starting to wind down. He then runs over to one of the tables full of girls and throws the frog onto the table very much alive. This soon freaks out all of the girls ridding us of a lot of points. This though is sadly the beginning of his second prank.

I don't know all of the details on this one but I do know that this is how we lost the remainder of of the points we had. The same kid soon decided that during one of the morning prayers I believe on the same day to steal the bullhorn and walkie talkie of one of the instructors at the camp. He then walked all the way back to the cabin blaring the bullhorn without any of the instructors noticing. He is soon called out about the bullhorn at the next prayer meeting but he manages to keep the walkie talkie hidden for a while.

Next up we reach a brand new experience for me which is Skeet shooting! First time I have ever fired a gun personally but I had a general idea on how to fire a gun. It was truly amazing wielding a weapon for the first time and of all places at church camp. Mind you I never hit a target which left me fairly sad but I did manage to fire a 20 gauge shotgun a few times before returning to one of my favorite board games I have ever played. The game of Risk.

The first thing I always hear Risk compared to is Axis and Allies which I have never played before and neither can I find a copy of this game either. The entire game is based around world domination which I have all of the strategies to win but sadly none of the luck. The luck comes from the fact that you need to roll dice in order to determine who wins in a conflict and I had all of the awesome defensive positions and knew where to move my men but I could not defend any of the locations when I needed to. This left me sad as I lost yet another game due to some strange rules that I don't agree with. For example if one person wins then they flat out win without any casualties to their troops. This is nice for when you are attacking but because of this you can attack for a very long time after you have enough troops in one location.

One of the final things for Thursday was the Talent show. Let me tell you all something right now. I despise Talent shows! Seriously though they are pretty bad most of the time as people just end up doing a lot of singing without any real work other than remembering the words to one song or another. Usually a very popular song of that week. Also known as the flavor of the week songs. This talent show I saw some surprisingly nice talents like one kid got up on stage and did a full drum solo. Another kid managed to recited a ton of  Hamlet which was just astounding to watch him do. Even the Judges were dumbfounded by this talent of his. My team sadly were singers. I had nothing to add to my team really but the song the majority of the team was doing was clever. The classic song "Lean on Me" The kind of song that gets everyone on their feet as they start swaying back and forth with lighters in their hands singing along. Sadly we were running behind on time at this point of the show and we didn't get to finish the song costing us dearly and we overall lose the points that could be gained through this event and the whole point competition.

Here we all are on the last day of the camp trip and this day is pretty simple for me to write about. The reason why is because after the goodbyes for the day there isn't that much to talk about. I was so fatigued from the constant upbeat atmosphere as well the constant interaction with other people. This may have made me overlook some potentially interesting details on this last day and this left the most memorable part of this day the getting back to Kansas City part of things. There was the bus ride home where I was surrounded by a bunch of kids who were determined to keep me from napping on the way back home. Along with annoying me to the point of almost snapping they decided to pick on the bus driver on the way back as well. I was happy to make it home alive just like everyone else may have been but these kids didn't exactly help my confidence of getting home safe.

Anyway here we are at the end of the blog post and I hope you all haven't fallen asleep yet as I didn't have that hard of a time with this part of the blog like I thought I would. In fact it was easy enough that this only took 2-3 hours instead of the estimated 5-6 I was dreading the thought of. Now that this is done my next blog entry can be about other things like the fact that school is coming up soon and the plans with that.

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