Monday, July 14, 2014

Camp Week: Part 1

Welcome back everyone to another blog entry. I'm sorry that it has taken this long before I have been able to get around to my blog but for the last week or so I have been over at a Church camp. I also have to warn everyone in advance now that since a lot has happened over the course of the week this will be a much longer blog than usual. I'm going to try to not ramble as much as usual but I can guarantee you that everything will not fit into three paragraphs like usual. Let's begin at the beginning, shall we?

We begin with the first day and location. The campgrounds were out in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma. The entire camp was nice and all but there was a massive feeling of isolation from the rest of the world considering that there was no electronics allowed except for camp instructors. In other words despite the huge amounts of people it almost felt like there was nothing outside of the campgrounds. I woke up at about 5:00 in the morning to make sure I got all of my stuff together and start heading out at about 6:30 to meet the bus to head down to the campgrounds. By this point in the trip barely anyone knew one another so it was a fairly quiet ride down there. The real fun starts when we get down there for the first day.

We are all assigned to a group of people around our age and how long we have all been there but for the most part randomly assigned within those areas. Doesn't sound like a huge group to work from but there were plenty of High School boys who were on their first year at the camp. I ended up with what I like to call the misfits. While there were the thinkers, the athletes, and the "players" we were the team that was there to have fun and win as a way of saying that we aren't the worst team here. Our team name was the Redneck Kings of Funk. We bonded all instantly with the common goal of winning the camp games for the year.

I haven't gone over the fact that there was a point system that took place throughout the entire week where if you did something that was worth a merit your team would be rewarded with points. These points would then win you a pizza party at the end of the week. Examples of point applicable things are like winning the Capture the flag game which we will get too later. I won't ruin anything about the ending of camp so you'll have to read to the end if you want to find out if I won or not.

Pretty soon after all of the teams have been chosen we all ended up going to bed due to the fact that everyone was pretty darn tired after waking up early to get to the camp on time. The arrangements of  the cabins weren't that bad except the fly problem and the people I bunked with were pretty quiet during the nights since we were all pretty tired. The main problem I ran into was snacks. Not the lack of snacks but the abundance there of. We weren't that hungry but we brought the equivalent of a 5 course meal of snacks each. Just a ton of food that each of us brought in separately. I decided to share mine and my full bag of cheese puffs were gone in the blink of an eye.

On to Tuesday where a lot of things start but before we begin I have to remind you all that this is a church camp so before I can continue much farther I'm going to go over what made this a church camp and not some camp where a lot of Christian kids happened to go. First off every day after breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner we all went to the chapel and started praying. Next up is that all of the kids came from Churches from Kansas and Missouri and only churches.

Everyday for me starts with breakfast and Their food was probably the worst part about the trip. Has anyone else reading this ever had a McRib from McDonald's. Well I have and they served me another one for lunch. The same mystery meat object stuffed in a bun and tastes strangely like barbeque. The most appetizing thing that they served me there was actually the salad bar which I enjoyed every day with vigor with a hearty dose of bacon bits and cheese with a drizzle of Italian dressing.

On Tuesday I went down to the springs for the first time which is pretty much the spot where everyone goes swimming. It was a constant 55 degrees Fahrenheit and that made it freezing in comparison to the rest of the area. Along with this there were several ways to enter this little area. There was the zip line, the Trapeze like object, and finally the most preferred way of entering the Blob. A giant inflatable where one person was on the far end and the other person jumps down on the opposite end sending the first person into the air and back down into the water if done properly. A simple but extremely fun way of doing things sadly I was just a bit too scared to do this myself. I personally went for the other inflatable.

The other inflatable was what I liked to call the igloo for some strange reason. It was pretty much a giant inflatable jungle jim on the water. Extremely scary for people like me. The main reason behind this is because the entire thing was in the water of course making it very slick. Along with this if more than one person climbed to the top at a time the whole thing would begin to buckle under the weight. This got even scarier if you were close to the inflatable. It never sunk but I felt that it got a little bit too close a couple of times.

Alright well everyone I think I'm going to wrap this all up here for the moment and continue it tomorrow. With the basic info out of the way part 2 should be long but I have no clue how long. I might cut out a couple of things but not too much since I haven't been posting that much lately. I hope you all come on over for tomorrows post and I'll see you all tomorrow for part 2

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