Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Camp Week: Part 2

Alright everyone I'm going to not post as much this time nor do I think that I'm going to complete my whole camp week today. I'm going to finish up Tuesday and then stop most likely so that it isn't so much of a chore to read the whole thing. I will attempt to post for Wednesday and Thursday on their respective days but I will be at my moms so there may be some predicaments there. I can make up for them at some other point. Maybe over the weekend? Who knows?

Anyway outside of the swimming on Tuesday I attempted a game of Laser Tag with some kids I met at the camp. I think I did pretty well with my the team that I was on. Not bad for my team still means I did pretty horrible. I feel that I was too supportive and didn't do that much and since none of my team heeded any of the advice I sent my entire purpose was to make shots at people that my team was distracting. Not much, and sadly I lost a good chunk of the time but I had a lot of fun so I guess that it was all worth it.

The best part of the day comes at night with game of Capture the flag. The entire thing was done in the middle of the night. All of the lights turned off and everyone had only thin glow sticks to identify each other. It was amazing! Remember when I said that my team was there to win? Well we almost won this event because of our amazing defense. You see the main rules were that you had to be identifiable for your team hence the glow sticks, your flag had to be retrievable, your flag had to be able to be seen, and don't leave the radius of where flags could be placed which means no going behind buildings. My team had the genius idea of sticking our flag on the end of a stick along with a glow stick and shove it up a tree so that people could barely see the glow stick and could still retrieve the flag. We didn't lose since no one grabbed our flag but we didn't win because when the game was called we hadn't grabbed anyone's flag either. It was so much fun because we left so many people confused with such a plan that by the end of the game people were constantly going after our flag to no avail. 

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