Sunday, June 29, 2014

Driving Myself Crazy

Apologies yet again on not posting something sooner. I got wrapped up in my schedule and couldn't find much time to do this until today. Still this isn't a bad thing as I have finally completed an official class for driving motorcycles. This means that here soon I will have my license and will be able to drive myself around to other locations. This will pretty much be the opening up of the world to me like so many other people have found when obtaining freedom of movement through motor vehicles. I do have a few problems to work on in my motorcycle driving skills but nothing that can't be improved on.

Speaking of driving I have a subject that I hold to close to heart of late as it shows just how fast the world is developing. A small invention known as "Solar Roadways" or "Solar Freakin Roadways" if you are picky. If you haven't heard of them yet go here for a video describing what they do.  If you don't trust me with linking things to other pages go ahead and skip to the next paragraph if you want. Pretty much though if you didn't watch the video the entire thing is about the ability to turn all the roads within the United States into a huge source of energy for the US and then potentially the rest of the world. That is huge as most importantly solar energy is clean energy. A solution this huge could solve a lot more than just some dinky energy problem but also potentially global warming would become less of a threat as well due to no gas powered generators actually being necessary. I know that this seems all a little random but something like this can't just be hidden away and then forgotten. This is an option for us and the future and to ignore this could be passing up options for the future.

Now that I'm off my soap box I'd like to say that my Summer is doing fairly well. Things are getting exciting more than anything. My life is much like a series of books that are all leading up to some massive climax that I have yet to be able to suspect or even see come and this is one of the cool things about what I do. By doing this blog I can eventually look back at all of this and have a story to tell from scratch based on my life. While my blog does not encompass all of my life it is definitely a basis for everything major in my life I have accomplished. Someday I might sit down and write a book about my not so bad life and see how it does but today I write my little journal hoping for another good day. Some what like today.

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